About us
The Printing Pioneer Fund was established in 2007. Our goals remain unchanged: to promote the development and export of Russian education, culture, science and technology.

The Fund conducts education work: We publish books and we have created 168 episodes of «Do Russians know Russian?» TV show, a series of documentaries «A Novel in Stone» (World masterpieces of love), poetic art videos based on the poems of Russian poets of the Silver Age. We do events, competitions and conferences. «Do Russians know Russian?» TV show was broadcasted abroad on the NTV-Mir channel, as well as on the TV-Center, Doverie and 2x2 TV channels. The «Russian people. Frank Conversation» photo exhibition was organized in 4 countries of the world.

In the last 15 years, we have accumulated a huge experience: We have held joint events with the City Hall of Florence, the Russian House from Berlin, the Pushkin House from London, SEA Universities, innovation departments and accelerators from India, Finland, UAE and other foreign countries.

We consider the Printing Pioneer Ivan Fedorov to be the first Russian EdTech entrepreneur and we continue the development of technologies in education and other areas that create positive changes in people's lives. We help impact entrepreneurs in the development of their projects.

Our Achievements

Our partners in 14 countries
The Mayor of Florence, the German Countess, the Chairman of the society "Great Britain - Russia", 8 universities of Malaysia, the Department of Innovation of Finland, investment funds of India & Qatar and many others took part in the events of the Fund.
7 playlists on our channel
There are 7 playlists on our youtube channel: "Impact Entrepreneurship", "Accelerator", "Do Russians Know Russian?", "World Masterpieces of Love", "Art Video", "Feature Film", "Avanta+ Publishing House"
8 Portfolio Projects
Including EdTech projects:
  • «Educatе Online» distance education in the US
  • «Russian International Maths School»
  • Unified State Exam preparation center «Skoro Sdam»
  • International Acting Studio «Mаin Cast»

20 million
The President of the Fund Maria Aksenova, is the editor-in-chief of the 63-volumed Encyclopedia for Kids Avanta+, the author of 4 books on the Russian language and literature, and the author of a poetry collection. The books were published with a total circulation of more than 20 million copies.
Our Education Projects
News and events
Speech to future entrepreneurs (April 15, 2022)
Always: at events and in private conversations, willingly or unwittingly - we inspire people to realize their potential. And we consider the creation of our own business to be one of the most powerful self-realization.

Pushkin Lyceum of Economics, Politics and Law within the framework of the School of Young Entrepreneur, a meeting of high school students of the Lyceum, Chelyuskinskaya and Sofrinskaya secondary schools No. 2 G. O. Pushkin with Maria Aksenova took place.
She shared her experience, told the basics of entrepreneurship and answered the lyceum students' questions about business
To the news feed
Persons of the Fund

President of the Fund

- Good day, colleagues! I'm Maria Aksenova:

Vice President of the Fund

- I'm glad to welcome you! I'm Elena Golikova:
Around 20 years I provide consulting, tracking and couching services to entrepreneurs in the areas of education and high technologies. I collaborate intensively with governmental structures, universities and colleges; I help to implement advanced technologies of online education and digitalization.
Elena Golikova – Vice President of the Impact Exporters Association, curator of the cross-industry MIС impact cluster, expert on strategic development of the Central Committee of NTI, expert of the MSU on big data, tracker, consultant and coach of the top managers. Several clients: VEB, VTB, Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, the Government of Moscow, the Governments of Ulyanovsk and Astrakhan regions, Barilla, Sitronics, Inline Technologies and many others.
  • Laureate of the Russian President's Award in the field of education, publisher and editor-in-chief of «Encyclopedia for kids Avanta+» (63 volumes, 20 mln books sold) and other encyclopedias
  • Autor and host of education TV show «Do Russians know Russian?» (164 episodes) a series of documentaries
  • Author of books and articles, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
  • Expert of Edunet NTI market, member of jury of the GESA international contest, AIM, MFTI and other accelerators.
  • President of the Impact Exporters Association
  • Advisory board member of the Niyama Japanese restaurant's franchise
  • Accredited investor of the MoscowSeedFund
Our Partners
  • Partners' Feedback
    Thank you all for the useful experience and opportunities that we had as participants! It's great that we managed to get into this area of growth and expansion of horizons! Great respect to all the organizers and experts I've been lucky enough to work with! Maria Aksenova, Elena Golikova - many thanks for your work, your contribution to the growth of people and projects that are important for the world! I congratulate all my colleagues on the excellent results! I'm happy to grow further together!
    Vera Pupireva Not a high school "Krilya"
  • Contacts

    Maria Aksenova

    E-mail: info@fondfedorova.ru
    Еlena Golikova

    E-mail: elenaggolikova@gmail.com
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