EdTech Еxport Program

Opportunities for participants:
You will

get acquainted with the leaders of educational projects from different countries
create international joint venture (IJV) with some of them
introduce your IJV to international investors and large customers
How it was:
the EdTech Invest Dating (Moscow, 14 August 2019)
the EdTech Export Dating (Moscow, 29 January 2020)

We respectfully invite your organization to participate in the EdTech Export Program.

You could consider EdTech startups from Russia and integrate Ed Technologies joint projects to transfer in both directions.

We could help the project piloting with support from our partners.

The participation in the program
is FREE of charge

Our task is to help you discover the strengths and potential of your project, make friends with a foreign partner and attract investments!
Step 1

Submission of applications

Submission of applications
Be sure to get information from us. For the purpose not to miss something or not to be expelled, please save the address fondfedorova@gmail.com in your address book.
Step 2

Out-of-person stage of preparation
We will introduce you to foreign EdTech colleagues, potential partners, and help to form international joint ventures. You will be able to make friends with foreign colleagues, and with our help, prepare IJV for presentation to international investors and large customers.
Step 3

Meeting with investors

The most responsible and promising joint projects that have successfully passed the out-of-person stage will be invited for in-person acquaintance with each other and with potential investors and customers. Stage of fateful transactions and breakthrough contracts.
Do you want to make friends with foreign colleagues and implement a joint project with them in the global market?
Enter the link to the account in the social network of your project manager
At what stage is your project now?
Briefly describe the essence of your project and provide a link to the site (if any)
Your country of residence
Your city of residence
Your level of proficiency in English
Email for communication
The participation in the program is free of charge